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Dylan Discovers Siblings He Didn’t Know He Had

MISSOURI: Seven-year-old Dylan* spent two years in the foster care system. His mother was arrested on drug-related charges and child endangerment. She could not stay clean or complete the tasks needed to have him return to her.

When Dylan’s kinship supervisor from TFI Family Services began using the Connect Our Kids technology platform, she identified a distant relative who shared that Dylan had an uncle. When the supervisor reached him, she was surprised to learn that Dylan also has four adult half-siblings adopted by the same family that country records did not reveal.

During individual outreach calls, each half-sibling described their adoption experiences as the most significant blessing of their lives. They were pleased to learn that Dylan had an opportunity for adoption by his current foster mother, who loves him very much. Each expressed gratitude for the introduction and a commitment to becoming a permanent family connection in his life.

Dylan’s siblings understand the value of the gift of a loving adoption. They are committed to staying connected to him and want to help him take advantage of the opportunity with his foster mother.

Connect Our Kids is a non-profit dedicated to leveraging technology to find families, build connections, and create a community for children in the foster care system. Want to help more children like Dylan? You can today by donating HERE.

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.

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